We are a family of 7. Our youngest son was born with Down syndrome. We learned a lot about Down syndrome, including the sad reality that some children born with Ds in other countries do not go home with their family after being born. For many reasons, these babies and babies born with other issues, including physical defects or differences, go to orphanages or baby homes. Most children are transferred to institutions after the age of 4 or so. These beautiful gifts from God don't go to school, get therapy, or have a mommy or daddy to kiss them goodnight. Most live very sad lives, sometimes without adequate food and medical attention. We stepped out in faith and adopted a little girl from Eastern Europe with Ds who has quickly become a light in our lives. This blog was begun to highlight one little sweet boy who is still an orphanage and needs a family. Daniel, as referred to on Reece's Rainbow, has a precious face and gorgeous eyes. Please help us find him a mommy and daddy.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Daniel spring 2011 xtix-update

Isn’t he absolutely precious!!  I love his eyes and can look at them for days.  My heart hurts every time I think of him going to an institution after his 5th birthday this spring.  I hope his family finds him soon.